MuLtisim Ni_11.0 Software + Crack

                  salam,software MuLtisim 11.0 version korang boleh downlod kt cnih yew.,software yg pelbagai fungsi dan telah di perbarui.,pada pengguna eletronik eletrik korang boleh laa pakai sofware ni utuk tujuaan mguji liatr kefungsian litar., 


Apa itu MuLtisim...??
 Multisim is an industry-standard, best-in-class SPICE simulation environment. It is the cornerstone of the NI circuits teaching solution to build expertise through practical application in designing, prototyping, and testing electrical circuits. The Multisim design approach helps you save prototype iterations and optimize printed circuit board (PCB) designs earlier in the process.

System Requirements for NI Circuit Design Suite 12.0

  • Supported OS from table above
  • Pentium 4 class microprocessor or equivalent (Pentium III class minimum)
  • 512 MB of memory (256 MB minimum)
  • 1.5 GB of free hard disk space (1 GB minimum)
  • Open GL capable 3D graphics card recommended (SVGA resolution video adapter with 800×600 video resolution minimum, 1024×768 or higher preferred)
  • To develop custom instruments based on LabVIEW for use in Multisim, LabVIEW 2010 or 2011 is required. View LabVIEW development system requirements

Design Litar Eletronik ::
Ni contoh saya Dsign yew....(sje2 Dsign,hihii)

SaizFile:: 374mB

1. Install program using serial:F44G44444 when asked for.
2. Use the keygen to generate the license.
3. Install license files using NI License Manager ( inside the national instrument folder)
4. Install license(.lic) for Multisim and Ultiboard.
5. Enjoy


Thank you..........^_^

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